About Michele

Hello and welcome to my digital sanctuary.

I am Michele, your guide on this transformative journey. Drawing from the deep wells of my experiences, both triumphant and challenging, my role is clear: I am here to help you claim full ownership of your life in a way that feels not just empowering but also tangible and concrete.
Each one of us has a unique definition of success, and I am passionate about challenging you to find and embrace yours. I teach the art of self-intimacy, which for me translates to truly listening to oneself, loving unconditionally, and trusting with unwavering faith. Always remember, you are enough, you are whole, and you are endlessly capable. Why do I say this with such conviction? Because it’s an undeniable truth.
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My approach

My approach is deeply personal. I share my stories, not just as tales from the past, but as real-time narratives that evolve even as we speak. Through coaching, writing, and celebrating your stories, I hope to form a bond that goes beyond the conventional coach-client relationship. Life has an uncanny way of placing us in roles we never anticipated. I've been the people-pleaser, the perfectionist, and the over-achiever. Yet, beneath these labels, I felt a disconnect. There was a yearning to break free, to unravel the tightly knit facade, and to reclaim my inherent worth and power. I believe that with the right guidance, everyone can experience pleasure, ease, and a harmonious flow in their life. More than anything, I am committed to helping you value and accept who you truly are, so you can live as your very best self.

However, my journey hasn't always been this enlightened. There was a time when I lived unconsciously, reacting rather than responding to life. It felt as though life was this massive wave that swept me off my feet, leaving me powerless. My existence resembled a chameleon, constantly adapting to fit in, always seeking validation. Despite a thriving career, promotions, and apparent "success", there was an underlying sense of unfulfillment. Coupled with massive anxiety, relationship challenges, and bouts of self-doubt, I found myself stuck in a relentless cycle.

Seeking a way out, I turned to life coaching. This decision, born out of sheer desperation, proved transformative. The tools and strategies I was introduced to required dedication, but they paved the way for a profound shift in my life. It wasn't just about therapy; it was about actionable insights that truly made a difference.

My approach

Unlock your life potential with us

My approach is deeply personal. I share my stories, not just as tales from the past, but as real-time narratives that evolve even as we speak. Through coaching, writing, and celebrating your stories, I hope to form a bond that goes beyond the conventional coach-client relationship. Life has an uncanny way of placing us in roles we never anticipated. I've been the people-pleaser, the perfectionist, and the over-achiever. Yet, beneath these labels, I felt a disconnect. There was a yearning to break free, to unravel the tightly knit facade, and to reclaim my inherent worth and power. I believe that with the right guidance, everyone can experience pleasure, ease, and a harmonious flow in their life. More than anything, I am committed to helping you value and accept who you truly are, so you can live as your very best self.
Self confidence
Better relationships
Smarter goal setting


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Help Center

Openness will drive growth, innovation, collaboration, strong relationships in personal and professional contexts.

My Professional Journey

Today, I stand here, having navigated through life’s chaotic waves, eager to share the wisdom I’ve garnered. Life has given me diverse roles: a mother to three incredible teenagers, a companion to Lucy (my loyal dog), and a caretaker to Bruce, our family fish. My professional journey has seen numerous promotions, and I’ve also faced the trials of unemployment, financial challenges, and the aftershocks of a traumatic divorce even a decade later. But in every challenge, I found resilience. I never gave up, even when the walls seemed insurmountable. I invite you to explore my website, connect with my story, and perhaps see a reflection of your own journey. Remember, no matter how tough things get, there’s always a way out, always a glimmer of hope. Let’s find that light together
  • Work with Me

    If my story resonates with you and you're seeking guidance, I'm here. Let's collaborate and craft a journey that truly lights up your life.

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